All posts about #programming

Reinstall Julia

A couple of days ago, I found that I could not install and compile ArbNumerics.jl. The only options is …

Euclidean Plane Geometry with Julia

The post is generated from a Jupyter notebook. You can also run it live on Binder.

Update 2020-05-13: I have …

Bak-Sneppen model

I just did some simulation on Bak-Sneppen model, you can check it out at GitHub.

Using BEE and BEE.jl to solve combinatorial problems

This article is about my Julia interface package BEE.jl for using BEE (Ben-Gurion University Equi-propagation Encoder) by Amit Metodi …

Harmonic number and Zeta functions explained in Julia (part 2)

This is part 2 of a series explaining what is Harmonic number and it's connection with Zeta functions. The post …

Harmonic number and Zeta functions explained in Julia (part 1)

This is part 1 of a series explaining what is Harmonic number and it's connection with Zeta functions. The post …

Tiling chessboard with L-shaped tiles

I created a Jupyter notebook for teaching induction in combinatorics to demonstrate that you can always tile a \(2^n …

RandomTree.jl -- Simulation on large random trees with Julia

I have been working on a software package RandomTree.jl that could effectively generate pretty large (\(10^8\) nodes) random …

Choices of Linear Programming Solver

At the time of written, I was TA for COMP 362, Honors Algorithm Design at McGill University. This post was written for the students.

The pitfall of using rand() for simulation

This was probably the first simulation I did. How naive I was!