Posts by

Xing Shi Cai

The Convexity Property Related to Beta Densities

Density function of Beta[3,7]

(This is a question asked by Tilo Wiklund recently on our group meeting.)

Notes about Mathematica

I am trying to use more and more computer algebra system in my work. Here I collect some useful links …

Football fans in Marseille


When I told Luc that I am going for a conference at CIRM in Marseilles, he sent me a paper …

Conference photos


Random Structure & Algorithms. 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.

Photos of me

At home. 2020, Uppsala, Sweden.

Oxford and its caricature


When my friend Henning heard that I was going to Oxford, he said "It's a bit sad. The town has …

Roaming in Birmingham


I arrived in Birmingham late last night in pouring rain. My Airbnb host already went to bed. My instruction is …

A walk by the sea (part 3) -- Helsingborg to Höganäs


This is part 3 of the stories of my vacation in summer 2017 around west coast of Sweden.

A walk by the sea (part 2) -- Helsingborg & Helsingø


This is part 2 of the stories of my vacation in summer 2017 around west coast of Sweden.

A walk by the sea (part 1) -- Malmö


This is part 1 of the stories of my vacation in summer 2017 around west coast of Sweden.