Posts by

Xing Shi Cai

What have I done in 2020? Part 3 -- Donating to charities

In 2020, I have donated 4252 SEK (about 418 EUR) to charities. It is a small amount, but not insignificant …

What have I done in 2020? Part 2 -- Becoming an environmentalist

I have heard of climate change on the news for years and I believe it is true. However, I looked …

What have I done in 2020? Part 1 -- Becoming a vegan

2020 started a bit bumpy for me. (No I am not talking about COVID.) On the first day of the …

A random graph model with 2-point-concentrated diameter

Consider a random multi-graph process \(G_{m}(t)\) constructed with the following procedure. Let \(G_{m}(1)\) be just a …

Several Variable Calculus 1MA017, Sep 2020

I give tutorials to group A of students for the course Several Variable Calculus 1MA017 (September 2020) at Uppsala University …

Reinstall Julia

A couple of days ago, I found that I could not install and compile ArbNumerics.jl. The only options is …

Euclidean Plane Geometry with Julia

The post is generated from a Jupyter notebook. You can also run it live on Binder.

Update 2020-05-13: I have …

Bak-Sneppen model

I just did some simulation on Bak-Sneppen model, you can check it out at GitHub.

Using BEE and BEE.jl to solve combinatorial problems

This article is about my Julia interface package BEE.jl for using BEE (Ben-Gurion University Equi-propagation Encoder) by Amit Metodi …

Harmonic number and Zeta functions explained in Julia (part 2)

This is part 2 of a series explaining what is Harmonic number and it's connection with Zeta functions. The post …