In this time of Covid-19 pandemic, many seminars have been moved to online. Here are some that I know of …
Long runs in coin tosses
Several Variable Calculus 1MA017, Autumn 2019 (Archive)
I just finished teaching the course Several Variable Calculus 1MA017 (Autumn 2019) at Uppsala University. Here are the materials that …
The Nested Radical Constant
My colleagues at Uppsala University regularly give some puzzles to everyone. We got the following one for this week. I …
Tiling chessboard with L-shaped tiles
I created a Jupyter notebook for teaching induction in combinatorics to demonstrate that you can always tile a \(2^n …
RandomTree.jl -- Simulation on large random trees with Julia
I have been working on a software package
that could effectively generate pretty
large (\(10^8\) nodes) random …
Combinatorics 1MA020, Spring 2019 (Archive)
I just finished teaching the course Combinatorics 1MA020 (Spring 2019) at Uppsala University. Here are the materials that I prepared …
The joy of experimental mathematics
I came across an interesting identity on
The sum of n uniform [0,1] random variables
Update: Svante Janson told me yesterday that the integral I had at the end of this post is known as …
An example of proving summation identities with computer
I am trying to learn how to use computers to prove identities like this one